Interieur Ontwerp

Sfeer Creëren met dimmers

Sfeer Creëren met dimmers

Verlichting is meer dan alleen functioneel; het is de sleutel tot het creëren van de juiste sfeer. Een goed lichtplan kan de inrichting van je huis naar een hoger niveau...

Sfeer Creëren met dimmers

Verlichting is meer dan alleen functioneel; het is de sleutel tot het creëren van de juiste sfeer. Een goed lichtplan kan de inrichting van je huis naar een hoger niveau...

Type Verlichting

Types of Lighting

In this blog, we dive deeper into the different types of lighting and how to use them effectively. One of the main challenges in designing home lighting is the lack...

Types of Lighting

In this blog, we dive deeper into the different types of lighting and how to use them effectively. One of the main challenges in designing home lighting is the lack...

Dutch Design

Dutch Design

In this blog, we explore how Dutch Design is woven into the fabric of Noord see Lights and how these influences are expressed in our designs. Dutch Design, a globally...

Dutch Design

In this blog, we explore how Dutch Design is woven into the fabric of Noord see Lights and how these influences are expressed in our designs. Dutch Design, a globally...

Verlichtingstrends: Wat zijn de Keuzes?

Lighting Trends: What Are the Choices?

In 2024, we see a fusion of natural elements and soft luxury in interior design. This trend emphasizes tranquility, comfort, and a deep connection to nature, while still maintaining sophistication...

Lighting Trends: What Are the Choices?

In 2024, we see a fusion of natural elements and soft luxury in interior design. This trend emphasizes tranquility, comfort, and a deep connection to nature, while still maintaining sophistication...

Scandinavisch Design: Minimalisme en Functionaliteit

Scandinavian Design: Minimalism and Functionality

Scandinavian design is one of the most recognizable and beloved interior styles worldwide. Originating in the early 20th century in the Scandinavian countries, it embodies the values of simplicity, functionality,...

Scandinavian Design: Minimalism and Functionality

Scandinavian design is one of the most recognizable and beloved interior styles worldwide. Originating in the early 20th century in the Scandinavian countries, it embodies the values of simplicity, functionality,...

Wabi-Sabi: Eenvoud en Imperfectie

Wabi-Sabi: Simplicity and Imperfection

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese interior style that has gained popularity in the Western world in recent years. Deeply rooted in Japanese culture, this style embraces the beauty found in imperfection,...

Wabi-Sabi: Simplicity and Imperfection

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese interior style that has gained popularity in the Western world in recent years. Deeply rooted in Japanese culture, this style embraces the beauty found in imperfection,...